Chapter Program
Determine if a FTC Club Is Right for You
There are plenty of ways to volunteer with FTC, and it is important that you understand the expectations and requirements of becoming an official FTC Club. FTC Clubs are expected to have a sustainable and long-term presence on their campus over a number of years. Applying to be a FTC Club means committing to a long-term relationship over your high school career with FTC. It means ensuring proper leadership and leadership transition. Non-official groups may certainly plan one-time events to benefit FTC, but may not receive the same level of support and access to resources. Please read this toolkit carefully before completing the Club application. For more help in deciding if an official club is right for you, please reach out to our communications team.
Identify a Core Group of Interested Students
Forming and sustaining a FTC Club may take a considerable amount of time. Your school administration will want to see a number of students participating, and you will need to find others who are interested in founding this effort. Including others in leadership early on in the process will help you reach out to more people and provide diverse perspectives. It will also make the leadership transition easier at the end of your term.
Talk to School Administrators about Becoming a Campus
This can be critical to the success of your FTC Club. Support from your school can bring a wealth of knowledge and resources. (Most student groups can access funds to help with their work.) Bring the administration into the process early and use them as a resource.
Choose an On-campus Advisor
All FTC Clubs are required to have a campus advisor who is a member of the faculty or staff. Take time to select someone who cares about FTC’s mission and has the time to dedicate to your success. Be prepared to outline your goals for the club in the year ahead, and be honest about the level of support you think you’ll need to get things off the ground.
Get in Touch with Your Council Member
The High School National Council can be reached here. The High School Council will be your best connection to the FTC Officers. Each region of the United States has one representative on the National Council who will be in touch with you regularly.
Attend a New Volunteer Orientation
All your leaders, and members if they’d like, should register and attend one of our next online new volunteer orientations. This one hour session is an opportunity to hear a FTC 101 presentation. It also provides you with the chance to ask questions of our team afterward. Orientations are held about once a month.